Trudne czasy dla wolnej prasy: Debata uniwersytetu MIT na temat zamachu na niezależne media w Polsce, Rosji i na Węgrzech
Sytuacja wolnych mediów w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej jest coraz gorsza. O tym, z czym na co dzień zmagają się krytyczni wobec władzy dziennikarze w Polsce, Rosji i na Węgrzech oraz co dla przyszłości zachodniej demokracji oznacza wznosząca się fala represji przeciwko niezależnym mediom, porozmawiają już w czwartek (3 lutego) uczestniczki debaty organizowanej przez Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). -
Poland's Anti-US Media Law: What You Need to Know [FAQ]
On Friday, the Polish parliament has suddenly passed a contentious media ownership law seen as another step in the Law and Justice's efforts to tighten its grip on outlets that refuse to follow the party line. But what exactly is in the new media bill, how does it affect the Polish media environment, and why did PiS decide to resuscitate it despite heavy criticism from Poland's European and transatlantic allies? Here is what you need to know. -
Andrzej Poczobut, Lukashenko's Political Prisoner, Named Grand Press Journalist of the Year
A long-time foreign correspondent for "Gazeta Wyborcza" and leading member of the Union of Poles in Belarus Andrzej Poczobut has been awarded Poland's most prestigious journalistic prize. He was arrested by Lukashenko's regime in March and remains imprisoned ever since. -
Death of Pregnant Woman Sparks Poland-Wide Protests Against Abortion Ban
On Saturday, November 6, thousands of protesters all over Poland took to the streets to pay tribute to the 30-year-old Izabela who died of a septic shock after being denied access to abortion. The young woman's tragic death reignited a discussion about Poland's draconian abortion law -
European and Transatlantic Allies Call Poland's Contentious Media Bill an "Assault on Media Freedom"
The reactions of US officials leave no doubt - by pushing to ban American companies from Poland's broadcasting market, the Law and Justice government is setting the country on a head-on collision course with its key strategic ally and second-largest foreign investor. -
Censorship at the Kraków Photomonth Festival. Museum Cancels Art Installation for Being too "Politically Charged"
An art installation composed of protest signs from the Women's Strike marches has been taken off the museum's exhibition program for being too "politically charged". The artwork was supposed to be part of an exhibition opening this year's edition of the Kraków Photomonth Festival. -
CJEU Advocate General: Justice Minister's Arbitrary Power Over Judicial Secondments at Odds with EU Law
CJEU Advocate General Michal Bobek has issued an opinion regarding specific legal provisions allowing the Polish Minister of Justice to second judges from one court to another and dismiss them at will. The practice, he argues, is incompatible with EU law. -
EU Court Questions the Validity of Law and Justice Supreme Court Appointments
Today, the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that any successive amendments to the Polish Law on the National Council of the Judiciary effectively undermining judicial oversight of the Law and Justice (PIS) government's appointments to the Supreme Court will be in breach of EU law. -
The year PiS turned the screw on independent media [2020 in review]
It is difficult to overstate the scale of the assault on media freedom by the ruling camp in 2020. Over the last year, we have witnessed increased activity aimed at intimidating news outlets and journalists critical of the government, further efforts to financially bolster the media loyal to the Law and Justice party at a time when most publishers face serious budgetary constraints due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, and a first large-scale state takeover of a private media conglomerate - the dominant regional newspaper publisher Polska Press. -
Hope in turmoil. With state repressions reaching new highs, civil resistance reaches an unprecedented scale [2020 in review]
The year 2020 in Poland will be remembered as the period of sharp confrontations between the authoritarian regime built by the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS), on one side, and the civil society, LGBT+ minorities, independent judges, and political opposition, on the other, all happening in the midst of a global pandemic. -
Dreaming of a party-state, Law and Justice continues to quash the last independent bastions: courts and local governments [2020 in review]
This year marked the thirtieth anniversary of the creation of the local government in Poland. For many political scientists and activists, its establishment and development over the last three decades is considered to be the highest accomplishment of the political transformation which took place in Poland after 1989. Now the government is ruthlessly executing a campaign aimed at bleeding them to dry in order to destroy the citizens' trust that they have continued to build since the fall of communism. Meanwhile, the ruling camp is also continuing its relentless attack on judicial independence, the dismantling of which has been the number one item on the Law and Justice's agenda continuously since 2017.