Jest córką imigranta, zatrzyma migrantów, zabierze bogatym, da biednym i będzie negocjować z Putinem
Sahra Wagenknecht: Z Rosji dostaliśmy dwa przelewy na łączną kwotę 75 euro. Chcę negocjacji z Putinem nie dlatego, że nam płaci, tylko dlatego, że boję się wojny atomowej i martwię o miejsca pracy w Europie -
Venice Commission Urges Poland to Repeal "lex Tusk"
Despite many concerns regarding its unconstitutional character, on Wednesday, President Andrzej Duda signed the contentious "lex Tusk" bill into law. Days earlier, the European Council's Venice Commission issued an urgent opinion in which it argued that the law "could easily become a tool to eliminate political opponents". -
State Media Under Investigation After Teenage Son of Polish Opposition MP Commits Suicide
Pro-government media in Poland are facing severe backlash after the suicide of an opposition MP's teenage son. Because of their careless coverage, the 15-year-old boy was publicly identified as the victim of sexual abuse. -
POTUS in Poland: PiS Welcomes Biden with High Hopes
President Biden's visit to Warsaw coincides with a high-stakes election year for Poland. The ruling camp sees this as a huge opportunity to convince its electorate that a Poland led by PiS has finally "risen from its knees" to become an important actor in world politics and a military power to be reckoned with. -
Gotówka to już jedynie trzy proc. globalnego obrotu. Gdy euro, złotówka i forint zostaną tylko cyfrowe, nadal będziemy wolni?
Analityk Polskiego Instytutu Ekonomicznego: Bitcoin to pieniądz? To spróbuj zapłacić nim podatek. Kryptowaluty mają więcej wspólnego z hazardem i zdrapkami niż z walutą czy inwestycją. -
To jednocześnie fascynujące i przerażające, z jaką łatwością prawicowe trolle rozgrywają Muska
Mastodon zamiast Twittera, PeerTube zamiast YouTube'a, Pixelfed zamiast Instagrama i Lemmy zamiast Reddita. Taka alternatywna sieć nie ma jednego punktu, gdzie ten czy inny regulator albo reżim może przyłożyć dźwignię. -
Donald Tusk Urges Germany to Ramp Up Support for Ukraine, Calls for Reparations Over World War II
"If the sense of guilt and responsibility for World War II should oblige Germans to do anything today, it is first and foremost to commit themselves unequivocally and fully to stand on the side of Ukraine in the fight against the aggressor, and to take a serious and honest approach to reparations for those who paid the greatest price for the madness of Nazism" - Donald Tusk said in his address at the M100 Media Awards gala in Potsdam. -
A Lesson in Hate: Poland's Catholic Fundamentalists Launch Homophobic Back-to-School Campaign
Taking cues from the playbook of the American right, Poland's most notorious catholic fundamentalist organization Ordo Iuris has recently issued a guide instructing parents on how to "protect" their children from being "groomed" by LGBTQ advocates at school. -
W Polsce pogrzeby prowadzą zazwyczaj poważni panowie. Musiałam się przełamać, żeby stanąć przed ludźmi tej w roli
Uważam, że mam najlepszą pracę na świecie. Pozwala mi na towarzyszenie zupełnie obcym osobom na istotnym odcinku ich życiowej drogi, a to bardzo intymne doświadczenie. Rozmowa z Anją Franczak, profesjonalną towarzyszką w żałobie -
Kaczyński Leaves Government to Focus on Campaign Trail. First Stop: Tear-Gassing Protesters
Last week, the leader of Poland's ruling Law and Justice party announced his decision to step down from government functions in order to concentrate on rallying up voters's support before next year's parliamentary elections. His campaign trail, however, did not get off to a particularly good start. -
European Commission Greenlights Poland's National Recovery Plan Despite Unresolved Rule of Law Issues
During her Thursday visit to Warsaw, Ursula von der Leyen officially confirmed the Commission's endorsement of Poland's National Recovery Plan. The decision comes amid enduring concerns over Poland's still largely unresolved rule of law issues. -
The Ruling Camp's Attempt to Silence "Wyborcza" Reaches New Heights With a Demand to Censor Public Hearings
Threatening to take "Wyborcza" to court, Piotr Woyciechowski, a close associate of the former Minister of National Defense Antoni Macierewicz, demands the removal of an article in which Gazeta Wyborcza reported on a public testimony before the Senate Investigative Committee on Pegasus spyware. Woyciechowski's suit marks yet another example of the ruling camp's efforts at silencing independent media, in particular Gazeta Wyborcza - long considered by Jarosław Kaczyński as a major threat to his political ambitions. -
Council of Europe Criticizes Education Cuts Targeting German Minority in Poland
The Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on Regional and Minority Languages has expressed its concern regarding the recent decision of Poland's education minister to reduce by two thirds the number of German language classes taught to children from Poland's German minority. Earlier this week, a representative of the German government has called the decision "discriminatory".