New wave of abortion rights protests begins after the Constitutional Tribunal published the justification of its draconic October ruling
- The abortion ban does not mean that there are no abortions. It simply leads to abortions being available only for the rich - Marta Lempart, the leader of the Women's Strike, stated after the Constitutional Tribunal published the justification for its October ruling. In response, there were protests in at least 40 cities across the country, with more to follow in the upcoming days. On Friday, a large march against the abortion ban is planned in Warsaw. -
Activists are standing trial for "blasphemous" Virgin Mary with a rainbow halo
The trial of three activists accused of offending religious feelings by placing stickers with the Virgin Mary adorned with a rainbow-coloured halo in the public space began on Wednesday in the District Court in P³ock. The women face up to two years of prison. A solidarity protest with the activists took place in front of the court under the slogan "Rainbow is not offensive". -
The year PiS turned the screw on independent media [2020 in review]
It is difficult to overstate the scale of the assault on media freedom by the ruling camp in 2020. Over the last year, we have witnessed increased activity aimed at intimidating news outlets and journalists critical of the government, further efforts to financially bolster the media loyal to the Law and Justice party at a time when most publishers face serious budgetary constraints due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, and a first large-scale state takeover of a private media conglomerate - the dominant regional newspaper publisher Polska Press. -
Hope in turmoil. With state repressions reaching new highs, civil resistance reaches an unprecedented scale [2020 in review]
The year 2020 in Poland will be remembered as the period of sharp confrontations between the authoritarian regime built by the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS), on one side, and the civil society, LGBT+ minorities, independent judges, and political opposition, on the other, all happening in the midst of a global pandemic. -
Dreaming of a party-state, Law and Justice continues to quash the last independent bastions: courts and local governments [2020 in review]
This year marked the thirtieth anniversary of the creation of the local government in Poland. For many political scientists and activists, its establishment and development over the last three decades is considered to be the highest accomplishment of the political transformation which took place in Poland after 1989. Now the government is ruthlessly executing a campaign aimed at bleeding them to dry in order to destroy the citizens' trust that they have continued to build since the fall of communism. Meanwhile, the ruling camp is also continuing its relentless attack on judicial independence, the dismantling of which has been the number one item on the Law and Justice's agenda continuously since 2017. -
Advocate General of the CJEU: Polish law excluding the right to appeal the selection of the Supreme Court judges violates EU law
Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the EU Evgeny Tanchev announced today that in his opinion the Polish law introduced in order to exclude the possibility for legal review of the National Council of the Judiciary's assessment of judicial candidates to the Supreme Court violates EU law. In his view, the new Supreme Court judges may lack independence and impartiality. -
Propaganda szyta na miarê. Jak przejêcie Polska Press utoruje drogê do polexitu
Obóz rz±dz±cy postanowi³ przeprowadziæ Cyber Monday z tygodniowym opó¼nieniem. Og³oszone przez Daniela Obajtka przejêcie grupy Polska Press przez PKN Orlen oznacza, ¿e Prawo i Sprawiedliwo¶æ w³a¶nie kupi³o zestaw o nazwie "Polexit - zrób to sam". -
Law and Justice increases its control over the media sector after a state-owned company buys 20 regional newspapers
Polish state-owned oil company Orlen announced a takeover of 20 leading regional newspapers in Poland. The transaction, announced today by Orlen's CEO Daniel Obajtek, has long been considered as a key element in the ruling camp's plan to undermine media freedom in Poland. -
Council of Europe: Poland should stop the stigmatisation of LGBTI people
In a memorandum published today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatoviæ calls on the Polish authorities to reverse the current negative trends targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people and activists in the country. The memorandum builds on the Commissioner's work for the protection of the human rights of LGBTI people in Europe and follows consultations with Polish authorities, national human rights structures and non-governmental organisations working on the rights of LGBTI people. -
Prze¿yj± najsilniejsi. Rz±d walczy z pandemi± na o¶lep
Rz±d ju¿ nawet nie usi³uje opanowaæ epidemii. Dba tylko o to, ¿eby liczby w tabelkach nie by³y za wysokie. Dane, które mamy, s± absolutnie niewiarygodne. Nie mamy pojêcia, ile osób jest w tej chwili w Polsce zaka¿onych ani ilu z nas ma ju¿ COVID-19 za sob±. -
'No peaceful protester should ever be detained' - Agata Grzybowska issued a statement on her detention
"Today, another line has been crossed" - Agata Grzybowska, the photojournalist who was detained yesterday by the police while she was covering a protest in front of the Ministry of Education, comments in her statement. -
[ALERT] A photojournalist was forcibly detained by the police while she was covering a peaceful protest
Photojournalist Agata Grzybowska, who works for the RATS Agency, the Associated Press and Gazeta Wyborcza, was detained today while covering an anti-government protest in front of the Ministry of Education in Warsaw. This marks another in a series of increasingly violent and politicised acts taken by the police over the last several weeks. -
Students showing their support for the women's protest clash with pro-ruling camp lecturers
A judge serving on the illegitimate Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court banned students of the University of Warsaw from "political and ideological manifestation" during his remote classes. He did not allow students with the symbol of Women's Strike on their creens to participate. In addition, he threatened them with disciplinary consequences. -
Poland stopped in its tracks as protesters block the streets in hundreds of cities
On Monday, Poland saw a wave of protests on a previously unprecedented scale. Hundreds of thousands of people blocked key streets and intersections of hundreds of Polish cities during rush hours to show their anger with the de facto abortion ban. In Warsaw, the protests ended only after midnight.