S³awomir Mentzen, czyli m±dro¶ci wujka jêcz±cego na imieninach
"Wzi±³by¶ siê, Jêdru¶, porz±dnie do roboty, to ju¿ by¶ dawno mia³ dom. Ja siê nie dziwiê, ¿e ¿adna ciê nie chce, filozof siê znalaz³, studiuje nie wiadomo co. Za komuny by³o równo i wysz³o z tego gówno" - zdaje siê mówiæ do m³odego pokolenia dr S³awomir Mentzen. -
Patrz w³adzy na rêce! 150 tys. z³ na now± edycjê Programu Dziennikarstwa ¦ledczego
Im bardziej obóz w³adzy pozbawiony jest skrupu³ów w zwalczaniu wolnych mediów, tym wa¿niejsza staje siê praca dziennikarzy ¶ledczych. Program Dziennikarstwa ¦ledczego Fundacji "Gazety Wyborczej", którego drug± edycjê rozpoczynamy 23 maja, to nasza odpowied¼ na pog³êbiaj±c± siê potrzebê poszanowania warto¶ci demokratycznych i ochrony wolno¶ci s³owa w Polsce. -
The Ruling Camp's Attempt to Silence "Wyborcza" Reaches New Heights With a Demand to Censor Public Hearings
Threatening to take "Wyborcza" to court, Piotr Woyciechowski, a close associate of the former Minister of National Defense Antoni Macierewicz, demands the removal of an article in which Gazeta Wyborcza reported on a public testimony before the Senate Investigative Committee on Pegasus spyware. Woyciechowski's suit marks yet another example of the ruling camp's efforts at silencing independent media, in particular Gazeta Wyborcza - long considered by Jaros³aw Kaczyñski as a major threat to his political ambitions. -
Glory and freedom of Ukraine has not yet perished [ANALYSIS]
It seems that we have enough information and intelligence reports right now to reconstruct Russia's initial strategy regarding its attack on Ukraine. What are the main takeaways 60 hours into the invasion? Ukraine shows incredible mettle and mental fortitude, but Russia's military potential can still result in unthinkable bloodshed. The U.S., EU and NATO must mobilize all available resources to support Kyiv. -
Putin is Setting Ukraine Aflame to Strip Russians of Any Illusions [OPINION]
Kyiv's European aspirations are a vote of confidence for democratization, human rights and civil liberties. Values which are not only violently despised by Putin, but also deadly threatening - essentially inimical - to his authoritarian rule. This is why Ukraine has to burn. -
Lewica pod progiem, czyli niebezpieczna gra Tuska
Wszystkie wypowiedzi Donalda Tuska z ostatnich 6 miesiêcy jednoznacznie wskazuj±, ¿e by³y premier w ogóle nie bierze pod uwagê scenariusza, w którym KO mog³aby siê dogadaæ w sprawie koalicji rz±dz±cej z Lewic±. I to nawet je¶li bez niej nie mia³aby wiêkszo¶ci sejmowej. Dlatego Tusk gra na to, ¿eby Lewica w ogóle nie wesz³a do Sejmu albo wszed³ jej substytut koncesjonowany przez KO. -
Polish President Vetoes the Media Bill. Law and Justice Cannot Force a Change of Ownership of a Leading Broadcaster
During a surprise public appearance on Monday at noon, President of Poland Andrzej Duda announced his decision to veto the new media bill that would force the U.S.-based media conglomerate Discovery, Inc. to sell its majority stake in TVN, one of two largest Polish private TV broadcasters and owner of TVN24, Poland's most popular TV news channel. -
Poland's Anti-US Media Law: What You Need to Know [FAQ]
On Friday, the Polish parliament has suddenly passed a contentious media ownership law seen as another step in the Law and Justice's efforts to tighten its grip on outlets that refuse to follow the party line. But what exactly is in the new media bill, how does it affect the Polish media environment, and why did PiS decide to resuscitate it despite heavy criticism from Poland's European and transatlantic allies? Here is what you need to know. -
Poland abruptly pushed through the bill forcing Discovery, Inc. to sell TVN, setting itself on the collision course with the Biden administration
In a sudden move that took opposition, experts, and its European and Trans-Atlantic allies by suprise, the Law and Justice-controlled Sejm decided to pass the dormant Lex TVN bill during the last, pre-holiday season parliamentary session on December 17th. It went from a dormant bill to a done deal at blizzard speed - it took less than two hours from the moment it was put on the agenda to the plenary vote. If the bill is signed by the Polish president, Discovery, Inc. will be forced to sell its majority ownership of TVN - Poland's most popular independent TV channel and the owner of TVN24 - the country's largest news TV channel. The move places the Polish government on the collision course with the Biden administration.