World's Largest Organization of Auschwitz Survivors Calls on the Polish Prime Minister to Reinstate the International Auschwitz Council [LETTER]
As survivors of the German concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau we are highly concerned regarding the conflict within the current national and international bodies whose missions in part are to advise and support both the Polish government and the directorate of the State Memorial and Museum. The impression currently being that one particular group is trying to "nationalize" and monopolize the commemoration of historical facts. -
Szef Międzynarodowego Komitetu Oświęcimskiego pisze do premiera Morawieckiego
Obecnie można odnieść wrażenie, że jedna grupa próbuje "upaństwowić" i zmonopolizować upamiętnianie faktów historycznych. Zwracamy się do polskiego rządu o jak najszybsze ponowne powołanie Międzynarodowej Rady Oświęcimskiej